Propaedeutics of internal medicine

1.2. Сілабус_ПВМ_221_англ_402.pdf
план лекцій.pdf
план занять.pdf
Підсумковий контроль.pdf
прак навики.pdf
Самост роб.pdf


Тopic 1. Case history scheme.pdf


Tasks for rework Topic 1.pdf
Тopic 2. Review of individual body parts.pdf
Topic 2. Interview and general examination of patients with respiratory diseases. Examination and palpation of the chest..pdf
Tasks for rework Topic 2.pdf
Topic 3. Percussion as the method of objective examination of respiratory system..pdf
Tasks for rework Topic 3.pdf
Тopic 4.1. Auscultation of the lungs. The main respiratory sounds..pdf
Tasks for rework Topic 4.pdf
Тopic 4.2. Auscultation of the lungs. Additional sounds..pdf
Тopic 5. Inquiring and general inspection of patients with cardiovascular diseases. Inspection and palpation of the heart region. Percussion the relative and absolute cardiac dullness borders .pdf
Tasks for rework Topic 5.pdf
Тopic 6. Auscultation_of_the_heart.Normal heart sounds, reduplication and splitting of heart sounds, additional sounds (triple rhythm, gallop rhythm)..pdf
Tasks for rework_topic 6.pdf
Topic 7. Auscultation of the heart. Functional and organic cardiac murmurs..pdf
Tasks for rework Topic 7.pdf
TOPIC 8 Examination of pulse (arterial, venous, pseudocapillary) and blood pressure..pdf
Tasks for rework Topic 8.pdf